Developing Android applications using NetBeans is usually as easy as stealing candy from a baby. But the last couple of days I have been struggling with an application that uses a couple of external libraries. The other developers (using Eclipse) have a couple of scripts that they run to get the .so files included in the .apk file. When I tried running the same scrips on the .apk generated from NetBeans, the application failed to start in the emulator. I nearly switched to Eclipse (god forbid), but then I saw the light again. As it turns out, NetBeans does not include the java api jar-files in the external libs in the dex-file by default which resulted in a ClassNotFoundException.
The solution is as simple as you would expect when you have used NetBeans for a while. Add the following to the build.xml file in the project root (replace the dummy values for the signjar target):
<target name="-pre-jar"> <copy todir="${build.classes.dir}"> <fileset dir="${external.libs.dir}"> <include name="*.jar"/> </fileset> </copy> </target> <target name="-post-jar"> <zip update="true" destfile="${dist.apk}"> <zipfileset dir="${external.libs.dir}" includes="*.so" prefix="lib/armeabi"/> </zip> <zip destfile="tmp.apk"> <zipfileset src="${dist.apk}"> <exclude name="META-INF/*.*" /> </zipfileset> </zip> <move file="tmp.apk" tofile="${dist.apk}" /> <signjar jar="${dist.apk}" alias="alias" storepass="secret" keypass="secret2" keystore="my_keystore"/> </target>
You also need to add external.libs.dir=<your lib folder> to you <project root>/nbproject/ file.
Now you can install the resulting .apk file using adb install or by running/debugging directly from NetBeans. Remember to follow the tip for asset-files in a previous post if you have that kind of resources.
Hello, my name is Daniil.
I tries to build the android application using netbeans 6.9 RC2. My application using jni.
I have successfully build the so library and successfully build but when I tries to run I get the exception that library not found?
Can you give some suggest?
How can I see that *.so file is inside apk?
I have found the problem.
System.loadLibrary requires the full path to the library. So I use ./lib/armeabi/